AB3D is Revolutionizing Africa’s Manufacturing Industry With 3D Printing Technology


3D printing has the potential to revolutionize many industries, particularly the manufacturing industry, enabling people to build products and solutions locally. In Kenya, the hardware startup, AB3D, aims at empowering African producers with transformative 3D printing technology.

AB3D is Nairobi’s one-stop-shop for all things 3D printing, offering access to 3D printers, 3D printed products, workshops, and open-source designs. The startup is lowering the barriers of locally accessing this technology by building quality and affordable 3D printers from electronic waste and other locally sourced materials.

Although built from locally sourced materials, the quality of AB3D printers and products rival those produced using high-end machinery overseas. AB3D believes in the disruptive potential of 3D technology and aims to make it as accessible as possible.

Working together with local startups, AB3D rapidly prototype and manufacture tailor-made products, helping them bring their ideas and solutions to life. By introducing 3D technology to various sectors, AB3D will not only solve the issues surrounding Africa’s supply chain and sourcing of spare parts but also boost the continent’s economy.