Frequently Asked Questions

Who do we interview?

Our interviews center around our belief that tech has the power to unite the African Diaspora to take action towards our sustainable development. With that in mind, we conduct three types of interviews:

  1. Product Interviews: Highlight the products built by Africa’s tech talent (engineers, developers, designers, data scientists, etc.).
  2. Talent Accelerator Interviews: Share the stories of change-agents and the programs they’re creating to equip Africa’s human talent with tech skills (accelerator programs, boot camps, conferences, etc.)
  3. Collaboration Interviews: Celebrate people in the Diaspora collaborating with Africa’s tech talent. (i.e., UK founder working with Kenyan Engineer or American UI/UX Designer working with a Nigerian developer to build a product.)
What makes me eligible?

We’re committed to sharing the stories of people taking strides towards our sustainable development, whether big or small. Here are the requirements for each category. 

  1. Product Interviews: We interview people with live products or products post MVP with a set launch date. It can be a personal or freelance project, or for the start-up/company you work for.
  2. Talent Accelerator Interviews: We interview people post-idea. Either the program is currently operating, or you’re in the process of registering for your first cohort.
  3. Collaboration Interviews: We interview people with live products or products post MVP with a set launch date. It can be your start-up, a freelance gig, or for the start-up/company you work for where you collaborated with Africa’s tech talent.
What’s the interview process?

After you fill out our interview contact form, our team will reach out via email with a questionnaire. If selected, we will set up the interview with one of our writers via zoom.

How do I collaborate with Africa’s Tech talent?

Built In Africa has one mission: Build bridges through the unifying language of tech. For this to occur, collaboration is imperative. If you’re interested in finding out how you or your business can become one of our collaboration success stories, reach out to us. We’d love to help.