Inspire Africa is Equipping Young African Entrepreneurs With Tech Skills


A gap exists between Africa’s current educational system and the future of jobs and required skills. This gap is even more pronounced in Nigeria, where more priority is given to theoretical education over practical learning.

Nigerian-based Inspire Africa is committed to mitigating that gap by equipping young adults with skills necessary to create sustainable enterprise solutions and compete effectively in today’s ever-evolving global market.

Launched in 2016, Inspire Africa is a non-profit organization equipping underserved African youths with digital literacy and soft skills to enable them to realize their full potential and become change-makers. The platform uses a human-centered design thinking model to energize young minds’ entrepreneurial and leadership capacities, giving them a scientific approach to innovation and entrepreneurship.

In July 2020, Inspire Africa launched a digital version of the Ignite Innovation Lab to help African startups in the digitization shift during and after the COVID-19 pandemic while rapidly acquiring the skills needed to foster entrepreneurship and develop new technologies and businesses.