MUVA Tech is breaking barriers for women in tech


Most empowerment initiatives focus on training and financially empowering women to help them thrive. MUVA Tech, one of the initiatives of the Mozambican startup, MUVA, also provides the necessary training and empowerment for women, but does this a bit differently.

MUVA Tech is tackling the digital gender divide and helping Mozambican women overcome cultural barriers by providing them with access to resources and technical training, while helping them develop the confidence they need to prepare for, go after, and be successful in whatever career they choose.

This initiative also prioritizes the employer side of this equation by working with companies to evaluate their gender policies, thus, ensuring that women, including mothers, are not denied access to tech jobs due to negative perceptions about their ability to be highly productive employees.

One of MUVA Tech’s major aims is to awaken the awareness and interest of young African women in tech careers by helping them develop basic skills and lowering barriers to access tech jobs. MUVA believes that by increasing the number of women in the tech sector, Mozambique will enjoy a boost in the growth of the tech industry and the country’s economy in general.